《重生與盛寵皇姐杠上了》[重生與盛寵皇姐杠上了] - 英語合集第七章 女性月經該注意些什麼?+AI對人類有什麼危害?+翻譯在線免費閱讀(2)

iscrimination: AI systems are trained on data, and if the data used for training contains biases, the AI may inadvertently perpetuate or exacerbate those biases in its decision-making, leading to discriminatory outcomes.

3. Loss of privacy: AI technologies often rely on large amounts of data, which may include personal and sensitive information. The collection and use of this data raise concerns about privacy and data protection.

4. Autonomy: As AI systems become more autonomous, there is a risk of unintended consequences and lack of accountability in case of errors or failures.

5. Weaponization: AI technologies could be used to develop autonomous weapons systems, which may pose a threat to global security and stability.

6. Malicious use: AI could be used for malicious purposes, such as cyber attacks, fraud, or surveillance, posing a risk to individuals and society.

In Chinese:


1. 崗位流失:隨着 AI 能力的提升,某些行業可能會出現人類崗位的流失,導致失業和收入機會減少。

2. 偏見與歧視:AI 系統基於數據進行訓練,如果訓練數據中存在偏見,AI 可能在決策中無意間延續或加劇這些偏見,導致歧視性結果。

3. **泄露:AI 技術通常依賴大量數據,這些數據可能包括個人和敏感信息。數據的收集和使用引發了對**和數據保護的擔憂。

4. 自主性:隨着 AI 系統越來越自主,可能出現意外後果和責任不明確的問題,特別是在錯誤或故障的情況下。

5. 武器化:AI 技術可能被用於開發自主武器系統,這可能對全球安全和穩定構成威脅。

6. 惡意使用:AI 可能被用於惡意目的,如網絡攻擊、欺詐或監控,對個人和社會構成風險。
